Advising and Pre-registration

Dear students,

Students are required to see their advisors for approval before pre-registration. Please note that you cannot pre-register until you get the approval from the advisor.  Mainly, your advisor would like to know the courses you are planning to take and verify the pre-requisites in detail, to make sure that you are on schedule, and everything goes smoothly.

Please fill out the new advising form [
pdf or doc], email it to me for feedback if any, and bring it with you in the meeting. See the guidelines below. Please indicate in your email which day you are coming. If you cannot come physically to my office, please state so in your email, sign the form and attach it to your email. If your plan is good, you may get the approval by email.

Guidelines to Fill the Advising Form:

This form helps you plan what courses you take each term towards your graduation. The form includes four charts. You will only fill out and submit one page (chart). First, you find your pre-requisite chart: (1) for the new CS program with summer training, (2) for the new program with internship, (3) for the old program, and (4) for SWE program. Choose the right chart according to your major and desired options. The charts are organized according to degree-plan. They clearly show the pre-requisite of the courses. If you are going according to the degree-plan you will have no problem following it. Here are some guidelines that help you filling the chart:


1.      Mark all the courses you have passed with a tick (ü or x).

2.      Write the current Term number (for example 242) under all courses you are taking this term.

3.      Write the Term numbers under all courses you plan to take next semester.  If you are graduating within two years, write the Term numbers under all remaining courses.

4.      For the elective courses you have taken (or want to take) please indicate the course number under the XXX, if you are not sure what elective course will be offered, leave as XXX and write the term number you plan it for.

5.      Write your ID and your expected graduation term at the end of the form (in the yellow box).

6.      Copy the courses you marked in the chart for at least the coming two semesters to your SEP plan. Please keep only one plan in your account to avoid confusion.

7.      Email the chart to your advisor and notify him that you want to review and lock your plan.




Dr. Sultan Almuhammadi

Academic Advisor